Fixing a few bugs

June 3, 2019

This place is a ghost town. But only for now. I am almost done fixing the minor tweaks before I start inviting beta users.

The bottom links are no longer dead. I have set up this blog (obviously) and created static pages for Terms, Contact, and About on this I don’t see any reason to use to create thouse.

I have created a twitter but haven’t started using it yet. I will be creating a Mastadon, Facebook, and god knows what else.

I have the indexing system under control. There is one minor tweak I need to make to annotation edits in the back end (a database adjustment) which will be the first database migration I will ever do live. I want to do it before I start inviting people. It will consolidate a lot of gains I made two weeks ago before I launched.

I also still need to fix the stylistic flubs.

All this will be done in the next week. Then I will invite more users.

Fixing a few bugs - June 3, 2019 -